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Is God speaking to you?

JOHN 10.27-28

27 My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

28 I give them eternal life; and they will never perish, and no one will take them out of my hand.


JOHN 5.24-25

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word, and believes him who sent me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but is passed from death to life. .

25 Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and it has already come, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear it will live.


JOHN 15.5-14

5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and in whom I abide bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing.

6 If anyone does not abide in me, he is cast out like a branch, and it withers; then we collect the branches, throw them into the fire, and they burn.

7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you like, and it will be granted to you.

8 If you bear much fruit, this is how my Father will be glorified, and you will be my disciples.

9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Remain in my love.


10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments, and remain in his love.

11 I have told you these things, that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be perfect.

12 This is my commandment: Love one another as I have loved you.

13 There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.

14 You are my friends, if you do what I command you



7 Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith to the churches: To him that overcomes I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.



14 For you, brethren, have become imitators of the Churches of God which are in Christ Jesus in Judea, because you also suffered from your own countrymen the same evils which they suffered from part of the Jews.



“... and behind me I heard a loud voice, like the sound of a trumpet.” John was in the Spirit and at that time he saw the great and wonderful day of the Lord Jesus and all His holy power. The future was about to be revealed, for God was preparing to teach it. John didn't say it was a trumpet. It was like a trumpet.

Now, when a trumpet sounds, it expresses an emergency. It's like the herald, the king's messenger, who goes out to meet people. He sounds the trumpet. It's an urgent call. People come together to listen. (Israel always gathered to the sound of a trumpet.)

Something important is approaching. “Listen to this!” So that voice calls as urgently as a trumpet. It sounds, clear and vigorous; it surprises and wakes up. Oh, may we hear the voice of God like a trumpet today, for it is the “Gospel Trumpet” sounding the “Word of Prophecy” to warn us and prepare us for what lies ahead. Earth.


62-0204 COMMUNION 47


Now, by means of the radio, you do not communicate, since you cannot answer, by means of television either. But when ... You can by means of the telephone, because there you commune with each other, it's not one-sided. That's ... I can't fellowship with you right now, because you're not responding.

So that would not apply when we come to listen to a minister bring his message. This would not be a gathering for us to commune. Communion wouldn't be that. If you come just to commune with the minister, you will take him or anybody aside and commune with him or her.

48 But the fellowship that we enter is, for each one of us, individually, to fellowship with Christ. This is communion. So, taking Communion is not only a person speaking, it is not only us who speak, but we must also wait and see what He answers to us.



57Now, I want to take a few moments to explain this, this way of fellowship. Now, we take what we call fellowship, which is bread and wine. Now, it's been so distorted that it's not even good to talk about it. Oh, how twisted it has been over the years! Infact, that's not a fellowship, it's just keeping a commandment. See? Now, the reason we call it communion is that it comes from the association that Catholics make, who declare that it is “the holy Eucharist, which is literally the body of the Lord Jesus”. But it is not the body of the Lord Jesus!It is only in commemoration of His body.

58 And I don't care how many priests or preachers, or whoever blesses it, it's still bread and wine. There is no priest, and yet this is what they tell us, that “God is obligated to listen to the priest when he transforms communion,” what they call communion, “the Eucharist, in the literal body of the Lord Jesus. So the believer takes that, and that's what fellowship is. ” It's wrong!


59 Communion is “to speak to, to commune with, something that you can speak to and that responds to you”. This is communion. A host cannot respond. So really real fellowship is when the Holy Spirit answers. When you ask Him, and then He responds, that's the correct fellowship. This we take in commemoration of His crucifixion and resurrection, but it is not fellowship. That's what we call it, but it's not. It's from the Catholic church, taking this host, as we looked at setting up these things the other day in dealing with Paganism versus Christianity.



The Seven Ages, as set out in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, include the entire duration of the “Fulness of the Gentiles,” that is, the entire period in which God deals with the people of the nations for the Salvation. In each of the ages, without exception, the same is said at the beginning and at the end of the message at each age.


“Write to the messenger (from Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea): This is what the One says, etc., etc. ... Let him (singular) who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. ” Notice here that in EVERY age Jesus (by the Spirit) speaks to only ONE person regarding the Word for that age. ONE messenger, for each age, receives what the Spirit has to say at that age, and THAT MESSENGER is the messenger to the true Church.


He speaks on behalf of God, by revelation, to the “churches”, the true and the false. The message is then broadcast to everyone. But, although it is broadcast to all who are reached by the message, this message is only received individually by a particular group, in a certain way. Each individual in this group is someone who has the capacity to hear what the Spirit is saying through the messenger. Those who hear do not receive their own particular revelation, nor does a group receive their collective revelation, BUT EVERYONE HEARS AND RECEIVES WHAT THE MESSENGER HAS ALREADY RECEIVED FROM GOD.


63-1128E THE SIGN And we read there in John 5:24:

“He who hears My Word.” However, the real translation is not “the one who listens”. This is the English version of King James. The real translation, which is expressed there in Hebrew, is “he who receives My Word”. Not the listener - anybody can listen to Him, sinners and so forth. But “he who receives,” who can take It all.


Not “the one who receives one of My Words”. “He who receives My Word, and who believes on Him who sent Me.” When you receive the Word, you receive Him. Whatever He tells you to do, you are willing and happy to do it. “He who receives My Word, and believes on Him who sent Me, in Eternal Life, and will not come to judgment, but has passed from death to Life.” Oh, what a promise! “When I see this Sign, I'll pass over you.”


STATEMENT OF THE SEVEN CHURCH AGES, PAGE 92 “Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.” Perhaps millions will hear or read these words. But how many will pay attention to it? This we do not know. But whoever gives ear and wants to know the words of truth will be enlightened by the Spirit of God. If your ear is open to the Word, the Spirit of God will make the Word real to you. But this is a work of the Spirit. I can teach you the truth, but if you don't open your ears to hear it, and your heart to receive it, you won't receive revelation.



“If anyone thinks they are a prophet or inspired, let them know that what I am writing to you is a command from the Lord.” So see: The proof that we were inhabited by the Spirit was that we recognized and FOLLOWED what the prophet of God brought for his age, as he put the Church in order. Paul must have said to those who claimed to have another revelation (verse 36): “Did the Word of God come out from you? or is it only you that it got? ” The proof that a believer is a Spirit-filled Christian is not that he produces the truth (the Word), but that he receives the truth (the Word), that he believes it, and that he does so. 'he obeys it.


The proof that we have received the Holy Ghost today is exactly the same as it was in our Lord's day. It is to receive the Word of truth for the day that you live. Jesus never insisted on the importance of Works as He did on the importance of the Word. He knowed that if the people would receive the WORD, the works would follow. It's biblical.



Notice the harmony that reigns between the Father and the Son. Jesus never did anything that was not first shown to Him by the Father. John 5:19. This harmony must now exist between the Groom and His bride.


He shows him His Word of life. She receives it. She never doubts it. That is why nothing can harm him, not even death. Indeed, if the seed is planted, the water will bring it back to life. Here is the secret. The Word is in the bride (as it was in Mary). The bride has the mind of Christ, for she knows what He wants to do with His Word.


She does in His name what the Word commands, for she has “thus saith the Lord”. Then the Word is quickened by the Spirit, and it comes to pass. Like a seed that has been planted and watered, it comes to its full development, fulfilling its purpose.


Those of the bride do only His will. No one can make them do anything else. They have “thus saith the Lord”, or else they remain quiet. They know it's got to be God in them doing the works, fulfilling His own Word. As He did not complete His entire work in His earthly ministry, He is now working in and through the bride.


She knows it, because back then it wasn't time for Him to do certain things that He has to do now. But now He's going to do through the bride the work that He had reserved for this very moment.



86 Moses heard the Voice of God. He was stuffed with theology. He knew all the ins and outs of it, but it failed. He heard the Voice of God; Moses was never the same again.


87 In fact, no one is ever the same. You might hear with your ears that - that Voice speak, but when you hear it in your heart, that Voice speak, see, then you really hear it. You can't see with your eye. We look with our eye, and we see with our heart. Seeing something, you say, “I really don't see it”, you mean you don't understand it. You don't hear with your ears, you hear with your heart. Many times your ears hear the true Voice of God, and It slides like water off the back of a duck. But when you really hear, you hear with your heart.



He came from Heaven to visit us this morning, He came to us to speak to us, to speak to us. He's speaking to us right now, it's that quiet little Voice deep in our hearts. There may not be strong, rushing winds. We had a lot of that.


Here is the face of shame this morning. Seeing the life that I lead, I'm ashamed to be a Pentecostal. I'm ashamed that I have so little power in His Presence. I am ashamed of not being a more exemplary Christian in front of my family. Jesus, have mercy on me. O God, I am not without fault. I too need to be corrected, and Your Holy Spirit is speaking to me.



A conversion is the Holy Spirit bringing the old nature out of you, and the new nature, which is the Holy Spirit, comes in then. And when a man is truly born of the Spirit of God, he has Eternal Life.


Jesus said so. “He who listens to My Words, and believes in Him who sent Me ... (Which no one can say, except by the Holy Spirit.) He who hears My Words, and who believes in He that sent Me has Eternal Life, and will not come to judgment, or be condemned, but passed from death to Life. ” That is what he said. I believe what He says - so do you, don't you?


So somebody said, not long ago, said, “Brother Branham, I believe we have the Holy Ghost. I believe that - that I'm saved and so forth. ” Now, how can you believe without having the Holy Ghost? We cannot believe correctly. So here's the loophole. This is the essential point for the Christian. This is the essential point for the patient. See?


There is a huge difference between looking at the Word of God and receiving the Word of God. When you ... Those who receive the Word, not those who examined It, but those who received It, that God added to the church, that was saved. Three thousand souls received the Word. Now, you can hear the Word that's preached. You can look at It and know It's right. Cain did it; everyone else did.


But where the Word fell determined what It would produce. Those who received It wholeheartedly were baptized. See? It's about receiving the Word ... So when you receive the inspiration that tells you that Jesus Christ died for your sickness, that's the very hour your healing takes place. It's true. The moment you receive something from Heaven that tells you that Jesus died for your sins and that you have accepted it, then you no longer need to be prayed for. You have already accepted it. It is all good.


Now, we can preach the Word, explain the Word. But you got to get the Word. Oh, hallelujah! That's what sets him on fire, brother. When you receive it, that revelation, something comes from out there, out of the unseen world, comes down through a mystical channel somewhere, and goes into your soul - you say, “Now I see it.” Your eyes light up; your drooping lips lift up and smile.


All the muscles in your body seem to be rejoicing. Something is going to happen. Something ... You don't have to go through a prayer line at that time. At that point you have it.



136 Oh, I want to get into personal experiences. And you, how you would like to refer to personal testimonies, many of you men and women who have heard His Voice.


137 I remember hearing It when I was a little boy in the mountains of southern Kentucky. I had thought It was a bird perched on a tree, but the bird flew away. He said, "Don't be afraid, you're going to get out of here someday, and you're going to live near a town called New Albany." I heard His Voice, when He said to me, “Don't smoke, drink, and defile your body with women and so forth. You will have a work to do when you are older. ”


138 Oh, He's the same Lord God again. And you hear Him, hour after hour, speaking to you, in your tiny little room, in your prayer room. Stand in front of the audiences, and then speak these things visibly in front of the people. The Voice of God, It was rare in Samuel's time. It is even rarer today. Because there was no open vision.


139 Peter listened to the Voice, and That's what changed his whole theology. He went straight to the people of the nations, whom he considered a bunch of illiterate, garbage. But it was the Voice of God - not his teaching - it was the Voice of the living God that changed him.



285 But when a man speaks to God, and he's got the Voice of God in him, and the Word of God in him! “If you abide in Me,” John 15, “if you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, you can ask whatever you like, and it will be granted to you.” See? No uncertainty. It will be granted. It's true. No uncertainty.


286 Moses, “How do You ...” Moses might have said to God, “How am I going to do that, a one-man invasion? How is it me, here, an eighty-year-old old man, how is it possible for me to go and face this huge army, millions of men, and take control? ”


287 “Sure, I'll be with you.” That's all he needed to know. Here he is. Here he is. He's going there. And he did take control. Why? He was sure that this Sound he had heard was right. 288 And the Sound that you hear this morning is right, because It's the Word of God.



166 Now Elijah heard rushing winds, and he knowed that God was there, or something was going on there. He had heard rains, all that. But what really captivated him was when He come in that quiet little Voice. He seen Him coming in the rain. He even seen It coming in the fire. He heard the winds. And he heard the rain. And he heard the fire, he saw the fire, and so forth. But, when that quiet little Voice came, he was deeply captivated. He covered his face then, and walked out. Oh, brother, that's it.


167 What we have to do is listen until deep in our heart we hear the Voice of God, and then walk forward with it, believe it's the truth. Yes sir.



368 They're - they're condemned, Lord. I pray that Your great mercy and Your grace will - extend to the last person whose name is on the Book. And I know they will. It's not hard to pray against Your Divine Word, or against - or against ... according to the Divine Word, that's what I mean, Lord; The Word that was promised, the Word that was vindicated, the Word that predestinated these people, from before the foundation of the world.It's not - it's not hard to pray that You'll save those whose names is on the Book, because I know You'll do it. Jesus said, “All that the Father has given Me will come.” And no one can come unless it has been given to him.


369 Now I pray, God, that wherever these Words will fall, upon those who will listen to the tape as well as upon those present here, that right now the Holy Spirit will call all the people that's been predestined from the very beginning. foundation of the world, where their name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life. May they hear the Voice of God speaking today, with that very little still voice, deep in their hearts, that says:

“Here is the Way, walk it!”

Grant it, Father. I ask it in Jesus' Name.

By Brother Georges Fergusson

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Élisée Ngabu Tshibangu

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