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Agapao Tablet

God bless the donors that Jesus knows

Three tablets arrived at destination







Costa Rica

This little machine revolutionized missionary work.

Imagine that you do not speak English and that you can only read a few brochures from the Message and listen to only a few tapes.


Now imagine you receive something that contains EVERYTHING: all brochures, all tapes, all offered translations, all of Brother Branham's videos, the ability to search Messages translated into your language, highlight quotes; this something even allows you to receive each new translation ONLY A FEW DAYS after it is uploaded! INTERNET CONNECTION OR NOT!

For the distribution of the Message, it is the most powerful tool the world has ever known.

So why don't we even sponsor a VGR Tablet for someone, somewhere.


This Tablet will go into the hands of a hungry person and certainly will share the Word with others.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Members of this site will now be able to send a voluntary offering as often as they wish, whether it is $ 1.00, $ 2.00 or more and when we reach the initial amount, we will send the money to the Voice of God in order to to sponsor a Tablet on behalf of the members of the site. "The Golden Valley Church"

Each time there is money, we will put it in the countdown.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

You can send your donations by Interac banking in the name of

Note: That Interac does not take any fees.

God bless you!

60-0723 Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water.

And for those people over there, who don't know, little black boys who stand like that, who've never taken a bath in their life, who can't tell their right from their left, who are standing , little tears that run down their cheeks when they hear a story of God who loves them once. When you do this my friend ...


I know we support our churches at home. This is absolutely correct. But here where we got big churches at every intersection, nice big spiers, and so forth, and these poor little ones, - Jesus died for them, and your child and my child.


He is hungry just as much, he feels hunger just as much as our children; and it's not fair that we have it all, even the flashy, and these poor little ones never heard the Gospel once. I think it's our duty to bring it ... And if you can't, the offerings that you give for that, in a love offering for me that ...

63-1214 - Why Little Bethlehem

Look at these men! They drew their swords. what was that? His desire was a glass of cold water. David! What kind of today, our David, Christ, we know He's called an exalted, turned aside, fanatic in everything, rejected by the churches.

They've got their creeds and things written this Christmas like they did the first. We know it, but we know that this Word is still true, and It has to come true. And Christ's desire is that men, warriors, take a stand! Amen!

Oh, come on, stand with me, by my side. I stand in a terrible place. I challenge today! These bands travel the world. I challenge a man, a warrior who loves Jesus Christ, who knows these things has to come to pass today, brethren, come stand by my side and pull the Word of God.


Forget the dried-up cisterns and stagnant denominations that you live in. Take out the new Word of God, let's give Jesus a nice glass of cool Pentecostal water!


Brother William Marrion Branham

Nous joindre:

Golden Valley Church of Jesus Christ
Pastor Gérald Boisvert
Élisée Ngabu Tshibangu

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de façon confidentielle.  

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seront transférées
dans un groupe
de prière appelé 

" La Prière est la Clé" 



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