You must first be born again. Therefore, you cannot be born again without having faith. This is right. So, faith is the foundation of all this.
« For without faith it is impossible to be pleasing to God; for he who comes to God must believe that God exists, and that He is the rewarder of those who seek Him. »
You must be born again
When you are a skeptic of the Bible, when you are skeptical of the truthfulness of the Word, you might as well stay back, until you believe it first.
Faith, that's what you have to believe. "Faith is the firm assurance, or substance, of the things you hope for". You already have it, when you have faith, because it is revealed in faith.
The righteous will live by faith
Hope is one thing; faith is another. Hope hopes the thing; faith possesses it. One is an intellectual faith; the other is a direct revelation of God.
What is faith?
Hope is one thing; faith is another. Hope hopes the thing; faith possesses it. One is an intellectual faith; the other is a direct revelation of God.
“Faith comes from what we hear, what we hear comes from the Word.”
Just have faith, that's the foundation...
Ref. 62-1014m The stature of the perfect man
55-0724 - Seductive Spirits
59-0525 - Images of Christ