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A voice was heard

One evening I was carrying water between the house and the barn, which was a block away from it. About halfway between the house and the stable there was an old poplar tree.


I had just come home from school that night, and the other little neighbors were going fishing at the pond. I was crying because I wanted to go but dad said I had to carry water. I had stopped to rest under the tree, and suddenly I heard the wind blowing through the leaves.


I knew there was no wind elsewhere. It was an afternoon that seemed very calm. I stepped away from the tree a bit, and noticed that there was a place about the size of a barrel where the wind seemed to be blowing through the leaves.


It was then that a voice was heard:

  "Never drink, never smoke, or defile your body in any way, for I have a work in store for you to do when you are older."


I was so scared that I ran home but didn't tell anyone. I was never able to drink or smoke. I believe that God will do a great work in the last days.


When I was old enough to go out with kids, they teased me and called me a sissy, because I didn't smoke and I didn't drink. They said that even the girls smoked, that they had more guts than me.


I was ashamed to tell them what had happened in my life. But, my dear friends, I certainly take pride in telling the world about it today. Hallelujah!

Brother William Marrion Branham

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