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14     There was a little - little boy one time down south that they - they said knelt down in the middle of a row that he had just plowed. And a - a member of the clergy passing by heard that little boy reciting the alphabet, "A, B, C, D," and so forth; and as he was on his knees, the member of the clergy was greatly disturbed. So he heard this little boy recite the alphabet, and then say, "Amen."

15     And as he got up, why, the member of the clergy spoke to him, he said, "Son, I'm a - the servant of the Lord." I heard you praying, but you were only reciting the alphabet. And I - I don't understand why you were just reciting the alphabet. ”

16     He said, "Sir, I - I don't know how to pray." He said, “I - I never prayed. But my mother and my father who have already gone to Heaven, them,  they prayed. " And he said, "Mom, I ... she died when I was a little boy." But I remember hearing it, when  she had problems, she turned to the Lord, she prayed.  And I was so young when she died that she couldn't  teach me to pray. And I was put under the responsibility of a bad person, who beats me and mistreats me. And I - I ... thought after I learned my alphabet, maybe if I took all the - the words, recited all the letters, that He might be.  able to put them together to understand what I meant. "

17     Here is  a prayer filled with sincerity. Of course He would be able to put them together. It's not our way of praying, what comes out of our lips, but  it is our motive, in our hearts, that God hears. Sometimes He doesn't hear our lips, He hears our intention, what's in our heart, our motive.

Extract from "Imitation of Christianity",

preached on January 20, 1957,

by william  MARRION Branham


S alutations in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am Sister Rose, 42 years old. I would like to share my testimony with the Bride of Christ and tell how the Lord healed me of AIDS.

Last year (2009) I was living in a village called Lualizi, where I worked as a shopkeeper in a Pentecostal pastor's store for holiness. At that time I was a member of that denomination. Being in darkness although religious, I fell ill because of my sinful life.


I started having diarrhea and was weakening week after week. I could no longer do difficult jobs. I had to be taken to the Isoka District Hospital where I underwent medical examinations. On the fourth day of my hospitalization, I was informed that the cause of my illness was the AIDS virus.

I was given advice, and I was prescribed drugs intended for this category of patients; I started taking them daily. My condition was only getting worse. I felt even weaker, and I couldn't do any more work.


In late 2009, while I was walking through the market, a sister named Rhodah handed me a little booklet translated into Bemba, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever”.


I went home and read the brochure. I said in my heart, “The Lord gave me faith to believe that the God who healed these people whose testimonies I read will heal me too.”

The next day I went to Sister Rhodah's restaurant and asked her to take me to the tabernacle, so that the pastor could pray for me, for I believed that Jesus Christ was going to heal me as He had done for me. those whose testimony I had read in the little pamphlet.

After worship, I asked for prayer and the minister prayed for me and urged me to hold on to the promise. For He who made the promise is faithful. From that day on, I was instantly healed.


The next day, I felt my body was healthy, as it should be. From that day on, and until today, I do hard jobs.




That same week I was baptized in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Today, I savor fellowship with the Saints in Isoka, Zambia, nourishing myself with Spiritual Food for our day. You can share my testimony with the Bride.

May God bless you abundantly!

Your sister in Christ,

Nous joindre:

Golden Valley Church of Jesus Christ
Pastor Gérald Boisvert
Élisée Ngabu Tshibangu

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