Healing from God Himself
by the mouth of His prophet.
S alutation in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Here is a testimony of healing and of our Lord's goodness to us.
On January 27, I went to see my doctor because I had symptoms of dizziness, fatigue and shortness of breath.
I had sort of put together a little list of questions to ask the doctor. Three years ago, I had a mammogram to check for a lump in my breast. At this point, the result indicated that there was nothing to worry about. Since then, I had noticed that this lump had progressed a little and my doctor sent me to have a 2nd mammogram and ultrasound of the breast as well as other examinations for my other symptoms, blood test, ultrasound of the uterus. because he suspected the presence of fibroids as a result of my description of certain symptoms.
About a week after the mammogram, I received a phone from the hospital informing me that my doctor was requesting a biopsy in the right breast.
In the meantime, I prayed and read the various testimonies on the site of the Voice of God where God discerns through his prophet the various cases of illness and this same voice which plays again on the recordings still discerns current cases and my brothers and sisters thus receive their healing. While reading at least two testimonials that came out in February, I stopped and just said to myself, I know it's possible for me too Lord. I mentioned to the Lord that I believed, like many believers, that it is still true today. I told the Lord that I would like to have this kind of experience. Over the days, I somehow forgot what I had asked for in a very simple faith.
On February 12, I presented myself for the biopsy to my great surprise when I arrived, I was told that I did not have one, but two different samples to be taken and that it was then impossible to take the samples. two at the same time. I only felt one lump, I was a little surprised, but I was told that it was not uncommon for exams to find other abnormalities. I returned home awaiting the results.
On Sunday February 23, while we were at our local church, whose pastor is playing the tapes, we listened to the following message:
64-0304 - Gentlemen, we would like to see Jesus
It was at this time, when I did not expect it, that the prophet uttered the following discernment:
161 Here, come on, sister. I do not know you. We're strangers to each other, I guess. If that's right, so the audience can see that we don't know each other, see. If ... It's just like when our Lord met a woman one day. And here we meet again, we meet two thousand years later, on His promise, and here's a man and a woman meeting the same way. I've never seen you in my life. I think we're completely unknown to each other, but God knows us both.
162 Now, if the Holy Spirit, Christ, in me and in you, will reveal what you're here for, or anything about you, will you be as thrilled as that woman was that day? [The sister said, “Amen.” - Ed.] Now, what you're here for is to pray, and pray for a sickness that you got in your breast. That's it. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, do you believe that God can tell me which breast it is? It is the right breast. That's it.
I haven't really told many people about my condition, but I raised my hand to accept my healing.
Coming back from home service, my husband told me, Bro. Branham discerned your case tonight. I told him "AMEN" whatever, I'm healed.
On Monday February 24, the day after my case was discerned, my doctor called me to tell me that there was no cancer and that everything was fine for the first biopsy and he remained positive to tell me that everything should look good for the other biopsy as well.
The appointment of my second biopsy took place on March 11, the small mass was located this time in a canal.
The Lord is good, I got the call from my doctor the following Monday, March 16, mentioning that it was an intracanal papilloma, the doctor informed me that there was no cancer, praise the Lord, but since it is possible for this type of disease to turn into cancer, and for prevention, I must meet with a surgeon for the evaluation of my case. On April 3, I met a female surgeon, she confirmed that everything was beautiful. I am to have a follow-up in 6 months and I know that everything will be perfect again, because I know the Lord has already spoken my healing and my absolute is this message, His Word.
For fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath, by blood tests, a condition of significant anemia was diagnosed. The doctor prescribed me iron, the medical examinations revealed fibroids which cause me heavy blood loss every month. Shortly, I will undergo minor surgery to resolve this situation. I know the Lord already has his gracious hand on this situation. Since then, I am regaining my strength and feeling much better and even very good.
I want to thank the Lord for His Love Letter towards us and for my healing, he sent me my healing as I wished in my heart, sitting in my church where Bro. Branham's message is played. "MY TAPE CHURCH". As of this writing, our churches are closed due to Covid-19, but MY house is, like Rahab's, a house where the tapes are played.
God bless you.
Sister Stéphanie Tousignant