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Testimony of a Sister from Quebec.

It was through a family from a “Jesus Alone” church that a young Sister first became a Christian. A couple, two faithful church members, went from house to house, inviting the young people to Sunday school. The Sister in question was one of the children they often brought with them. Her parents were not Christians, but they had a high regard for this couple, so they allowed their daughter to go to church.

The Sister enjoyed this place to fellowship with her friends and to learn about Jesus. Although her mother was not a believer, she greatly appreciated the friendship of this couple of believers. So his mother also often accompanied them to church. Her daddy had fallen into alcoholism and didn't think much about religion.

It wasn't long before the Sister heard of a man from Indiana who demonstrated the power of the Lord Jesus Christ by healing the sick. The power of God was so much in this man that he even knew the secrets of hearts. This man often traveled to Phoenix and he would be here for a revival meeting soon. It would be a special blessing.

When the day of the revival meeting came, the Sister got sick. The believing couple convinced their parents to attend the meeting and see the miracles. They accepted the invitation, but the Sister was too sick to attend and stayed at home. She lay down on the couch, upset not to go, but happy that her parents had this wonderful opportunity.

It was late that night when the Sister was awakened by her daddy kneeling beside her. “Your mom and I were saved tonight,”. They saw something real that hot Phoenix night in 1955. And for the rest of their lives, his parents served the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Sister finally left the denominational churches to follow Brother Branham's Message. She recognized the Voice of God and today she faithfully listens to that Voice every day.

But this is not the end of the Sister's testimony.

Brother Branham met the Lord in 1965, but he left us a gift beyond imagination. What is this present? This present is nothing less than the Generation Voice of God recorded on Tapes.

Two weeks ago this Voice spoke to the Sister.

Because of Brother Branham's vision, we have an opportunity the world has never seen. Anytime and anywhere we can hear God speaking to our hearts. All we need to do is play the Band and listen.

What follows is the Sister's testimony regarding her healing.

"  I have a praise story. I had a medical condition that at that point really knocked me down. I was hospitalized to receive blood transfusions, and it made me very weak and very sick.

Sunday, I would have liked to go to church but I could not eat or drink. It made me very weak. I could never have a single day (even a good day) without having to go to the bathroom at least 12-20 times. It completely managed my life. I'm not able to go out to eat, it got me in trouble, and I missed it, failing to fellowship and go out to dinner with the other saints.

I was diagnosed with this condition four years ago and have had good days and bad, always knowing that my healing was paid for at Calvary.

Well, Thursday February 28, 2008 was my day to report on my healing.

I was on the VGR website on "Young Foundations" listening to the sermon, "Do You Believe Now"? preached August 17th, 1952. Brother Branham was at the prayer line. I cried and worshiped with the healing service. I got up and walked near where my computer was. There is my iron there. I wanted to iron something that I was sewing.

Right there, as my ear was near the speaker, Brother Branham said right now in my ear, "There's somebody there, I believe that's the lady setting next to you over there, she has. some gut trouble or something, something's wrong with his gut. Do you believe with all your heart? If so, do you think so, madam? Stand up. It's a bowel problem, colitis, with adhesions. Raise up your hand like that if that's right. Go home. And Jesus Christ heals you. Hallelujah ”.

Well, that was exactly my diagnosis. I'm healed, praise God. That same day, I ate normally and used the bathroom only three times. I slept all night without waking up, without even going to the bathroom. Thank you Lord, I am healed.


Praise the Lord!

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