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Here is my testimony which, I hope, will bless my Brothers and my Sisters with this beautiful Message. The Lord is wonderful. I gave my life to the Lord in March 1987 and it was Brother Fergusson from Quebec who baptized us, my wife and me.

In the summer of 1995, while I was driving a heavy truck, my hands started to shake and I started to have painful cramps in my forearms. I consulted several doctors who all arrived at the same diagnosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, (incurable degenerative disease of the muscles). They told me to retire and enjoy life because I didn't have much time left to live. They said that I would start walking with a cane and then the wheelchair and that my body would gradually atrophy preventing me from walking and performing certain tasks. They also told me to join a small group of people who had this same rare disease and they will help me come to terms with it and live my last years with this disease. A few months later, I was walking with a cane.

I knew the Word said the opposite, not to accept diseases but to refuse them. I knew from experience that Divine healing existed because Brother Fergusson had prayed for me in the past for a broken lower back from an automobile accident. At the time, I was receiving abdominal cortisone injections to calm the pain. After he prayed for me, the pains were immediately and completely gone and I was no longer receiving infiltration. IT WAS SET, AMEN.

So, after receiving this terrible news of this diagnosis of sclerosis, I could no longer work, so I applied for my disability pensions to continue living. I had two toddlers at home.

One day, my friends from Drummondville, Quebec, suggested that my wife and I go on a trip with them to Jeffersonville to visit the Voice of God Recordings (VGR). Well expected, we accepted expressly hoping to see the prophet, Brother Joseph. (Without telling me, it was also the goal of my traveling companions, that I meet this prophet.)

So we left in April 1996 for Jeffersonville and when we got to the Voice of God Recordings my friend had an envelope to give to Brother Joseph and since it is not always easy to meet him because he is a very busy man, he left this envelope at the secretariat and we went out, but I was constantly looking behind me hoping to see him pass by a window.

Suddenly, coming out the side door, here is Brother Billy-Paul. I knew that he had received a gift from God, that of healing, not that he healed of course because only Christ can heal, but that he has great faith. I went in his direction, shouting his name. I explained to him that I had contracted an incurable disease and that I would like him to pray for me. What he hastened to do. He placed one of his hands on my shoulder and the other behind my neck and he started to pray. I didn't quite understand what he was saying because I was very nervous and at the time I was not very good at English. As he prayed, I felt a warmth in my neck spreading throughout my body and I knew that something had just happened. After praying he gave me his hand telling me  : "  God bless you ”and I watched him walk away.

I joined the others who watched the scene from afar rejoicing for me. We were getting ready to leave when Brother Fergusson walked out the same door that Brother Billy-Paul had just come out of and waved his hand to join him, he had a present for us. A new brochure entitled  : "  SIXTY-TEN WEEKS OF DANIEL  And, fresh off the press. We were truly blessed but the rest is even more so.

As we were outside by the side door chatting with Brother Fergusson, I was constantly looking towards that door hoping to see this man of God, this prophet and keeper of this beautiful Message. I was very nervous and my eyes were filled with tears that I saw all tangled up.

Suddenly I saw him pass quickly inside. To me, it seemed to me to have seen a giant. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I was so nervous and anxious, I almost screamed  : "  Brother Fergusson, it's him, it's him, he's there ”. Brother Fergusson knew I was talking about Brother Joseph and took my neck and told me to calm down and be patient. These short moments will always remain etched in my memory.

Now it appears on the door frame. He walked up to us to shake our hand and when he got to me, I took his hand with both hands and kept it very solid in mine. Unable to speak to him in English, I asked Brother Fergusson to translate. I said  : "  Even though your Brother Billy-Paul prayed for me, will you pray for me too?  Do you know what he told me? He said  : "  God knows your heart, you have already received your healing ”.



No need to tell you that I was crying (with joy) even more while saying in English  : "  God bless you, God bless you. " I think everyone's eyes were filled with tears, especially my wife who couldn't contain herself. Brother Joseph signed our brochures, another blessing. Amen.

I still have consequences that this disease left me because I received a cure but the miracle is for very soon. I don't know when but I will have it. It's a promise from Him. I know that I will return to my perfectly normal body and I will bear witness to it. I thank all my Brothers and Sisters and my friends around me who have helped me a lot and encouraged me by the grace of God. Thank you to my friend for this beautiful trip which made me healthy.

I returned home and continued to be annuitant for a few more years until I realized that I must return to the workforce since I was healed. I could not stay in the pay of the taxpayer even though the doctors did not believe in my recovery at all. So I dropped my annuity check and got a job. I now drive a scheduled coach, a job I have always wanted to do.

Glory be to God, He's so wonderful.

God bless you.

Brother Claude

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