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The duration of ages

Apocalypse 3:11  Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

...It was in this age Jesus said, “I come quickly” (verse 11), and of the last age He was going to “finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth,” Romans 9:28. 
    cab 08 - philadelphian
    Rev. William Branham


Les 7 Âges de L’Église   

(Durée de l'Âge.)

Ephesus (53 to 170)   - 117 years

Smyrnia (170 to 312)   - 142 years

Pergamos (312 to 606)   - 294 years

Thyartira (606 to 1520)   - 914 years

Sardis (1520 àto 1750)   - 230 years

Philadelphian (1750 to 1906)   - 156 years

Laodicia  (1906 to … ???

The seventh age (a very short age) gathers up into itself for one quick work, all the evil of every age, and yet all the reality of Pentecost.


Once the Philadelphian Age has about run its course, the Laodicean Age quickly comes in, bringing both the tares and the wheat to harvest, “First bind the tares, to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:30. 

    cab 08 - philadelphian
    Rev. William Branham

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Élisée Ngabu Tshibangu

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