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How it all drew up perfectly with the church ages! I don't see the slightest iota, the least thing that hasn't matched up perfectly, down to the ages and so forth, and through the ages. Think about it.

This shows that it could only be God. Human thought cannot penetrate these things .

The Lord made us take the Scriptures, the Holy Scriptures, what Jesus said would happen. And how could we have found this out?

And here He comes to reveal it, and bring it very precisely.

His sermon there, when He answered, brought out very precisely six of the Seals;


but He left out the Seventh. See?

Then when the Seals was opened, God, notice here, He didn't even reveal a single symbol of the Seventh. See?

It's a perfect secret in God.


Notice ...   

When he opened the seventh seal,

there was silence in the sky for about half an hour .

Note: All Quotes in these documents are from Brother William Marrion Branham.

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Golden Valley Church of Jesus Christ
Pastor Gérald Boisvert
Élisée Ngabu Tshibangu

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