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There was a Living Being

for each of the first four Seals

but from the Fifth Seal,

there are no more living beings

Now, those who are under the altar are Israel .  If Israel was blinded, it was precisely so that we could be saved. Now who blinded them? God.

God blinded His own children.

Robes were given to them .” They didn't have them ... And the souls of those who had been martyred, those genuine Jews; whose name was written in the Book, and who had lived righteous lives, who had done what was right, who conformed to Judaism to the letter.

They had been martyred by Eichmann and many others. Honest people, millions of them, over there! The Germans shot them, murdered them, killed them, hanged them on fences, burned them, destroyed them in crematoria, and everything.

Those heartless, or, bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty men, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and all these people, who hated the Jews!

Honor the Jews, and God will honor you.

The Scripture tells us here, that's when they're all under the altar, when they realize what's taken place, and they get a white robe.

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